Banon cheese

Banon cheese (AOC)

Banon cheese (AOC). Banon is a goat's cheese from the region of Banon, a discrete medieval village built against the plateau d'Albion between Lure and the Ventoux.

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Haute-Provence Small Spelt

Haute-Provence Small Spelt (IGP) ©Syndicat du petit épeautre de Haute-Provence

Grouped together since 1997 in a Syndicat Interdépartemental, the producers work to protect and enhance small spelt and small spelt flour of Haute Provence through an IGP (Indication Géographique Protégée).

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Sisteron lamb

flock of sheep

Sisteron lamb is better known as César lamb. This lamb became label rouge in September 1995 and a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) since 2007.

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Cooking recipe

cooking recipe of Alpes de Haute Provence

Cooking recipe of Alpes de Haute Provence. Discover the flavors of the Alpes de Haute-Provence with a selection of cooking recipes based on local products.

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Truffles from Haute-Provence

Truffles from Haute-Provence

Truffles from Haute-Provence, the black diamond on Alpes de Haute-Provence.  In Haute-Provence the truffle is known as a « rabasse », a rough, scraping word which conjures up images of a land filled with character.

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